Does Gua Sha Work to Minimize a Double Chin?
What is Double Chin and Gua sha? How to use Gua Sha for double Chin? Does it Really Work? What is Double Chin and Gua sha? Double Chin which known as submental fat occurs when another layer of fat forms under the chin.Depending on the way you position your head,there is always an additonal fold under the chin that pops up and we call that a double chin.Many young girls are troubled with it and want to naturally get rid of it. For someone,this fold coms with a lot of mental distress. There are lots of potential ways to do so,from liposuction to skincare products. However,there is an old Chinese Traditional Medicine way,it is gua sha . It is something that Chinese women have practiced for years,and you might heard that it is good for getting rid of a double chin. As an natural and easy at-home remedy,Gua sha works wonders for your facial contour. So if you're interested in relieving muscle tension,regain elasticity around your neck and chin area,Tone your facial muscles,and d...